
This algorithm allows you to replace all occurrences of specified values within a schema.


For example, if the source application lists the subsidiary as a text field, and the target application assigns ID numbers to each subsidiary location, you can set the Replace step, so the result would be as follows:


Source Column Target Column
New York 4
Boston 5


This type of step is useful when it is necessary to replace a handful of values. For larger quantities of data, it is recommended that you employ a different type of step.


To configure this manipulate step, follow the instructions below:


  1. In the Admin Navigation tree, select Interfaces > InterfaceName > Tasks > TaskName > Steps.
  2. On the toolbar, click New >New Manipulate Step.

Creating a New Manipulate Step

  1. Navigate to the Texts section and select Replace.

Texts Section

  1. In the Reverse values work area, fill in the following fields:


Fields Description


Provide a distinctive name for this step.

Is Active

Select the check box to engage the scheduler for this step.

Order of Execution

Enter the order in which this step should be executed.

Filter Expression

Optional. Use this filed to filter data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Sort Expression

Optional. Use this field to sort data from the source database prior to inserting it into the Schema table.

Stop interface execution if query failed

Optional. If enabled, the system will stop any data manipulation if the query returns an error.

Save Schema (enabled per interface)

If selected, the schema is created for this step.
Is Multi Mapping Optional. If you choose this option than you can manipulate multiple different columns at the same step.

Source Column

Select the column where the source data is stored.

Target Column

Select the target column where the result should be placed.
Source Elements Specify source values that should be replaced. Use the "**" character as a separator between the values. Example: val1**val2**val3
Special Characters Optional. If the source element includes one of the special character ("\r", "\n", "\n\r") that you want to eliminate, select the corresponding character from the dropdown box.
Target Elements Specify target values that should be placed. Use the "**" character as a separator between the values. Example: val1**val2**val3


  1. Click the Save button.